Growing healthy cultures, human-centered leaders, and change makers


Cultivating Connected Cultures

  • We identify opportunities to create a thriving culture using our CHI™ analytics process

  • We partner with companies to build culture roadmaps rooted in belonging.

  • We facilitate conversations via in-person, hybrid, and virtual events, coaching C-suite and next-gen leaders in inclusion.

  • 40% of all employees thought about leaving their jobs at the beginning of 2021

    Source: MIT Sloan

  • A toxic culture is 10.4 times more likely to contribute to attrition than compensation

    Source: MIT Sloan

  • Leaders who are supportive, consultative and challenge their people create the most positive team climates

    Source: McKinsey

The taproot Way Tenets©

Eight tenets, developed over two decades, guide us in all we do.

taproot ventures Culture Health Index (CHI)

A measurement tool designed to meet you where you are.

Holistic Approach

We take a holistic approach in all we do. We believe healthy leaders cultivate healthy companies.

“We appreciate and celebrate taproot’s human-centered approach. The taproot team is respectful, inclusive, and transparent and provides a culturally sensitive, secure ecosystem approach for collaboration.”

—Shannon Carabetta, SupplyShift Director

Contact us.